Continuing their Tuesday evening DVD screenings throughout the Summer, the
Instituto Italiano di Cultura kicks off the season by paying tribute to the recent release of Dario Argento's
The Mother of Tears with a mini-retrospective of
Dario Argento films, all shown at 6:30PM in Italian with English subtitles, at the Italian Cultural Institute, 425 Washington Street, San Francisco (415/788-7142). You can't beat the price; admission is

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Profondo Rosso (Deep Red, 1975)Tuesday, June 17, 2008
La Sindrome di Stendhal (The Stendhal Syndrome, 1996)Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Non Ho Sonno (Sleepless, 2000)Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Il Cartaio (The Card Player, 2003)