NOIR CITY 8 (2010)

Cleo Moore—"Queen of the B-Movie Bad Girls"
Cleo Moore—Magazine Rack
Cleo Moore—The Swimsuit Collection
The Endless Night: A Valentine to Film Noir by Serena Bramble
Pitfall / Larceny: Eddie Muller's Opening Night Intro
Cry Danger: Eddie Muller's Intro
Interview With Eddie Muller.
NOIR CITY 7 (2009)

Eddie Muller's Opening Night Intro
Magazine Rack—Arlene Dahl
Eddie Muller's Introductory Remarks to Ace in the Hole
Eddie Muller's Introductory Remarks to Johnny Stool Pigeon
Eddie Muller's Introductory Remarks to The Harder They Fall
Eddie Muller's Introductory Remarks to The Unsuspected and Desperate
NOIR CITY 6 (2008)

The Grand Inquisitor
Eddie Muller Intro to the "Dames Tough As Nails" Double Bill: A Woman In Hiding and Jeopardy
Eddie Muller Intro to 20th Century Fox Doublebill: Hangover Square and Dangerous Crossing
Diego Rivera's Cargador de Flores
Charles McGraw: Biography of a Film Noir Tough Guy—The Evening Class Interview With Alan K. Rode
NOIR CITY 5 (2007)

Eddie Muller's Onstage Interview With Marsha Hunt
Eddie Muller's Onstage Interview With Richard Erdman
Evelyn Keyes & Tab Hunter
Eddie Muller Remarks on Glenn Ford
Eddie Muller Remarks On Screenwriter William Bowers
Eddie Muller Remarks on Screenwriter Roy Huggins
Eddie Muller and Foster Hirsch On Joan Crawford