Dispatches From Zembla (Alok Zembla)—Val Lewton: The Man in the Shadows
Film Journey (Doug Cummings)—Val Lewton: The Man in the Shadows
The Shelf (J.C. Loophole)—Val Lewton: The Man in the Shadows
New York Press (Eric Kohn)—Val Lewton: The Man in the Shadows
Flickhead—Val Lewton: The Man in the Shadows
Innisfree (Vincent Innisfree)—Val Lewton: The Man in the Shadows
Eternal Sunshine of the Logical Mind (Bob Turnbull)—The Val Lewton Horror Collection
Film Forno (Joe D'Augustine)—Cat People
Films Noir—Cat People
Signal Bleed (Josh Bell)—Cat People
Serendipty (Merge Divide)—Cat People; The Curse of the Cat People
More Than Meets the Mogwai (Aaron W. Graham)—The Curse of the Cat People
The House of Mirth and Movies (Mrs. Emma Peel)—The Body Snatcher
Tractor Facts (Mark Osborn)—The Leopard Man
Movie Morlocks (Richard Harland Smith)—The Leopard Man
Coffee, Coffee, and more Coffee (Peter Nellhaus)—The Leopard Man; The Ghost Ship
Welcome to L.A. (Larry Aydlette)—The Ghost Ship (Skelton Knaggs profile)
Bright Lights After Dark (C. Jerry Kutner)—The Seventh Victim
Ferdy on Films, etc. (Roderick Heath)—Isle of the Dead
Ferdy on Films, etc. (Marilyn Ferdinand)—Bedlam
Cult Film Confidential (Michael McMorrow)—I Walked With A Zombie (Sir Lancelot profile)
Greenbrian Picture Shows (John McElwee)—Cat People; I Walked With A Zombie
Greenbrian Picture Shows (John McElwee)—The Seventh Victim, Ghost Ship, Curse of the Cat People, Youth Runs Wild, Mademoiselle Fifi
Greenbrian Picture Shows (John McElwee)—The Body Snatcher, Isle of the Dead, Bedlam
Self-Styled Siren (Campaspe)—Mademoiselle Fifi
The Evening Class (Michael Guillén)—I Walked With A Zombie (Interview With Andrew Bailey)
The Evening Class (Michael Guillén)—The Curse of the Cat People (Interview With Ann Carter-Newton)
The Evening Class (Michael Guillén)—Interview With Val E. Lewton