3rd I San Francisco was founded by Ivan Jaigirdar, Shilpa Mankikar, and Camille Ramani in 2002. Through monthly film screenings, annual film festival and partnership with numerous Bay Area organizations 3rd I supports an extensive local audience base and provides screening opportunities for local, national and international South Asian film.

Along with co-presenting Pratibha Parmar's Nina's Heavenly Delights at the Frameline31 San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival, 3rd I continues its Bollywood 101 series of film discussions and clips, and celebrates Pride month with a Clip Show and Lecture Presentation by Gayatri Gopinath (noted author of Impossible Desires: Queer Diasporas and South Asian Public Cultures) and journalist Sandip Roy-Chaudhuri—Queer Bollywood: Alternative Sexualities in Popular Indian Cinema.
They ask: What does queerness look like on the Bollywood screen? How has Bollywood—the biggest film industry in the world—traditionally encoded same-sex desire? How have these codes changed in the last decade, with the emergence of a more visible queer presence in South Asia? Gopinath and Roy-Chaudhuri solicit participation in a discussion of how popular Indian cinema has historically provided queer audiences rich material for imagining queer lives, desires and pleasures, both in South Asia and in the diaspora. They will explore the ways in which recent shifts in sexual and gender norms in South Asia have both opened up and shut down queer possibilities on the Bollywood screen.
Sunday, June 10th—2PM
Location: Artists' Television Access, 992 Valencia Street (cross street is 21st), San Francisco, CA 94110
Price: $8 - $10 sliding scale (pay at the door)
(415) 824-3890