Aboriginal Art / Culture & Film
Aboriginal Art and Film: The Politics of Representation—Marcia Langton; 6 (2005)
Beyond Assimilation: Aboriginality, Media History and Public Memory—Meaghan Morris; 3 (2004)
Chantal Akerman
La Chambre Akerman: The Captive as Creator—Ivone Margulies; 10 (2007)
Fatih Akin
Six Characters in Search of the Other: The Edge of Heaven—Yvette Bíró; 12 (2008)
Eddie Albert
The Unquiet American: Eddie Albert—Donald Phelps; 9 (2006)
Robert Altman
Tanner Redux: "Think Brave! Shoot Brave!! Be Brave!!!"—Jean-Pierre Coursodon; 12 (2008)
Mercedes Álvarez
El cielo gira—Miguel Marías; 6 (2005)
"An Affair to Remember"
The Gate of Heaven, The Place of the Other: An Affair to Remember—Carlos Losilla; 7 (2005)
Michelangelo Antonioni
Michelangelo and I—Enrica Antonioni; 4 (2004)
Lo Sguardo di Michelangelo: The Gaze of Antonioni—Jonathan Rosenbaum; 4 (2004)
Arab Cinema (Miscellaneous)
History of Our Present (1): New Arab Film and Video—Jayce Salloum; 1 (2003)
Architecture and Cinema
Los Toquis, or Urban Babel—Nataša Durovicová; 7 (2005)
An Architectural Promenade [Singing in the Rain]—Alain Masson; 7 (2005)
Humbert Balsan
Humbert Balsan 1954-2005—Dave Kehr; 6 (2005)
Raymond Bellour
The Film We Accompany—Raymond Bellour; 3 (2004)
Ingmar Bergman
Saraband: Bergman's Ship Sails On—Yvette Bíró; 6 (2005)
Brazilian Cinema (Miscellaneous)
Cinema: Music of Light—Jairo Ferreira; 9 (2006)
Stan Brakhage
Serious Mothlight: For Stan Brakhage (1933-2003)—Nicole Brenez & Adrian Martin; 1 (2003)
Tod Browning
Freaks Show—Thierry Kuntzel; 7 (2005)
Luis Buñuel
Buñuel Bows Out—Paul Hammond; 3 (2004)
John Cassavettes
Shops of Horror: Notes for a Visual History of the Reification of Emotion in a Capitalist Regime, or (to put it more bluntly) "Fuck the Money"—Nicole Brenez; 11 (2007)
Chinese Bookie: After Cassavetes—James Clayden; 11 (2007)
Nick Cave
From The Proposition—Nick Cave; 7 (2005)
Pierre Clémenti
There's Nothing More International Than a Pack of Pimps: A Conversation between Pierre Clémenti, Miklos Janscó, Glauber Rocha and Jean-Marie Straub convened by Simon Hartog in Rome, February 1970—3 (2004)
Pedro Costa
A Closed Door That Leaves Us Guessing—Pedro Costa; 10 (2007)
Adventure: An Essay on Pedro Costa—Shigehiko Hasumi; 10 (2007)
Serge Daney
Montage Obligatory: The War, the Gulf and the Small Screen—Serge Daney; 8 (2006)
Gilles Deleuze
The Green Garbage Bins of Gilles Deleuze—Luc Moullet; 6 (2005)
Poubelle, ma belle—William D. Routt; 6 (2005)
Manoel de Oliveira
On the Uncertain Nature of Cinema (By Way of the Work of Manoel de Oliveira)—Víctor Erice; 4 (2004)
Stanley Donen
An Architectural Promenade: Singin' in the Rain—Alain Masson; 7 (2005)
Raymond Durgnat
"Culture Always is a Fog": Interview With Raymond Durgnat—Rick Thompson, et al.; 8 (2006)
Letter to Jean-Pierre—Raymond Durgnat; 8 (2006)
Red Psalm—Raymond Durgnat; 8 (2006)
A Fish in the Aquarium—Thierry Jousse; 9 (2006)
Stephen Dwoskin
Reflections: The Self, the World and Others, and How All These Things Melt Together in Film—Stephen Dwoskin; 3 (2004)
Víctor Erice
Erice-Kiarostami: The Pathways of Creation—Alain Bergala; 9 (2006)
Writing Cinema, Thinking Cinema ...—Víctor Erice; 4 (2004)
On the Uncertain Nature of Cinema (By Way of the Work of Manoel de Oliveira)—Víctor Erice; 4 (2004)
Risks and Revelations: Erice-Kiarostami—Miguel Marías; 9 (2006)
Sergei M. Eisenstein
Eisenstein, the Glass House and the Spherical Book: From the Comedy of the Eye to a Drama of Enlightenment—Oksana Bulgakowa; 7 (2005)
Of Mice and Men: Reflections on Eisenstein and Digital Imagery—Paul Willemen; 8 (2006)
Manny Farber
The Farber Machine—Patrick Amos & Jean-Pierre Gorin; 12 (2008)
Seers for the Sleepless—Manny Farber; 12 (2008)
The Qualities I Like: Impressions of Manny Farber—Adrian Martin; 12 (2008)
Critic Going Everywhere—Donald Phelps; 12 (2008)
My Budd by Manny Farber—Bill Krohn; 12 (2008)
Thinking About (Personal) History Lessons: The Movie Paintings of Manny Farber—Jonathan Rosenbaum; 12 (2008)
Harun Farocki
Harun Farocki's Images of the World—Christopher Pavsek; 12 (2008)
Alexei Fedorchenko
First on the Moon: The Totalitarian Echo in New Russian Cinema—Julia Vassilieva; 12 (2008)
Abel Ferrara
Come Into My Sleep: Body Snatchers—Nicole Brenez; 7 (2005)
John Ford
The Searchers: Dismantled—Ross Gibson; 7 (2005)
John Ford, or The Eloquence of Gesture—Shigehiko Hasumi; 7 (2005)
Ford's Depth—Miguel Marías; 7 (2005)
"The Doddering Relics of a Lost Cause": John Ford's The Sun Shines Bright—Jonathan Rosenbaum; 7 (2005)
Péter Forgács
"It's Just a Waste of Time to Walk and Play Tennis": Interview with Péter Forgács—André Habib; 12 (2008)
William Friedkin
Friedkin Out—Bill Krohn; 3 (2004)
French Cinema (Miscellaneous)
For Danièle Huillet (1936-2006) and Jean-Marie Straub (1933-)—Miguel Marías; 10 (2007)
"1750 Percussion Rifles": Work of the Document, Rights and Duties of Cinema—Nicole Brenez & Michael Witt; 9 (2006)
Samuel Fuller
Fuller By Two [I Shot Jesse James / Park Row]—Donald Phelps; 8 (2006)
Philippe Garrel
Philippe Garrel's L'Enfant secret (1982)—Serge Daney; 1 (2003)
German Cinema (Miscellaneous)
Antigone Agonistes: Urban Guerrilla or Guerrilla Urbanism? The Red Army Fraction, Germany in Autumn and Death Game—Thomas Elsaesser; 4 (2004)
Downfall: Almost the Same Old Story—Klaus Neumann; 6 (2005)
Come On, Baby, Be My Tiger: Inventing India on the German Screen in Der Tiger von Eschnapur and Das indische Grabmal—Meenakshi Shedde and Vinzenz Hediger, 7 (2005)
Ritwik Ghatak
Her Mother's Son: Kinship and History in Ritwik Ghatak—Moinak Biswas; 3 (2004)
Ritwik Ghatak: Reinventing the Cinema—Jonathan Rosenbaum; 10 (2007)
Jean-Luc Godard
According to JLG—Dominique Païni; 9 (2006)
Le rouge (1968): A Painting by Gérard Fromanger—Gérard Fromanger; 1 (2003)
Philippe Grandrieux
The Body's Night: An Interview with Philippe Grandrieux—Nicole Brenez; 1 (2003)
Plain, Pain: Grbavica—Yvette Bíró; 10 (2007)
José Luis Guerín
Work in Progress—José Luis Guerin; 4 (2004)
In Sylvia's City—Miguel Marías; 11 (2007)
Simon Hartog
There's Nothing More International Than a Pack of Pimps: A Conversation between Pierre Clémenti, Miklós Janscó, Glauber Rocha and Jean-Marie Straub convened by Simon Hartog in Rome, February 1970—3 (2004)
Vinzenz Hediger
Politique des archives: European Cinema and the Invention of Tradition in the Digital Age—Vinzenz Hediger; 12 (2008)
Alfred Hitchcock
Desire Roped In: Notes on the Fetishism of the Long Take in Rope—Jean-Pierre Coursodon; 4 (2004)
When I Made The Paradine Case—Alfred Hitchcock & Mark Rappaport; 4 (2004)
In and Around The Paradine Case: Control, Confession and the Claims of Marriage—Douglas Pye; 4 (2004)
Hou Hsiao-hsien
Café Lumière—Shigehiko Hasumi; 6 (2005)
In Search of New Genres and Directions for Asian Cinema—Hou Hsiao-hsien; 1 (2003)
John Hughes
The Director as Psychoanalyst: An Interview with Jacques Rivette—John Hughes; 4 (2004)
Autodialogue (1978)—John Hughes; 4 (2004)
John Hughes On (and With) Jacques Rivette: Introduction—Jonathan Rosenbaum; 4 (2004)
"I'll Be Your Eyes, You'll Be Mine"
I'll Be Your Eyes, You'll Be Mine—Keja Kramer and Stephen Dwoskin; 9 (2006)
Shohei Imamura
Shohei Imamura: The Insect's Game—Jairo Ferreira; 9 (2006)
Guillermo Cabrera Infante
A Scattered Homage to Guillermo Cabrera Infante (1929-2005)—Victor Fowler Calzada; 7 (2005)
Iranian Cinema (Miscellaneous)
Ebrahim Golestan: Treasure of Pre-Revolutionary Iranian Cinema—Mehrnaz Saeed-Vafa; 11 (2007)
"The Ister"
The Ister: An Excerpt, From Novi Sad to Vukovar—David Barison and Daniel Ross; 3 (2004)
Miklós Jancsó
There's Nothing More International Than a Pack of Pimps: A Conversation between Pierre Clémenti, Miklós Janscó, Glauber Rocha and Jean-Marie Straub convened by Simon Hartog in Rome, February 1970—3 (2004)
Red Psalm—Raymond Durgnat; 8 (2006)
Kent Jones
Can Movies Think?—Kent Jones; 12 (2008)
Abbas Kiarostami
Erice-Kiarostami: The Pathways of Creation—Alain Bergala; 9 (2006)
Risks and Revelations: Erice-Kiarostami—Miguel Marías; 9 (2006)
"King Kong"
Magnificent Animal—Adrian Martin; 8 (2006)
Robert Kramer
Robert Kramer and the Jewish-German Question—Hironobu Baba; 9 (2006)
Letter to Bob Dylan—Robert Kramer & Bobby Buechler; 4 (2004)
Robert Kramer Films the Event—Adrian Martin; 9 (2006)
Carole Landis
Homage to Carole Landis—Donald Phelps; 11 (2007)
Fritz Lang
Machinations of an Incoherent, Malevolent Universe: Fritz Lang's Spione—Adrian Martin; 7 (2005)
Mitchell Leisen
Mitchell Leisen—Mark Rappaport; 12 (2008)
Val Lewton
Fear Itself: Val Lewton's The Ghost Ship—Donald Phelps; 8 (2006)
David Lynch
The Author is on Fire—Yvette Bíró; 11 (2007)
Terrence Malick
Things to Look Into: Terrence Malick—Adrian Martin; 10 (2007)
E.J. Marey
The Marey Project: A Work in Progress—James Clayden; 4 (2004)
Chris Marker
Markeriana: A Scarcely Critical Description of the Work of Chris Marker—Roger Tailleur; 11 (2007)
Jonas Mekas
"I'm an Outsider. I'm a Monk. I'm Somewhere Else": Interview with Jonas Mekas—Stefan Grissemann; 12 (2008)
Tsai Ming-Liang
The 400 Blow Jobs: The Wayward Cloud—Helen Bandis, Adrian Martin, & Grant McDonald; 7 (2005)
Perhaps the Flood ...—Yvette Biro; 1 (2003)
The Fullness of Minimalism—Yvette Bíró; 9 (2006)
How Violence Made a Real Mother-of-a-Mother of Me—Kathleen Mary Fallon; 6 (2005)
Moments of Choice—V.F. Perkins; 9 (2006)
Ukiyo-e/Hollywood—Penny Webb; 7 (2005)
The Zoom in Popular Cinema: A Question of Performance—Paul Willemen
Robert Montgomery
The Rich Boy: The Reticent Artistry of Robert Montgomery—Donald Phelps; 1 (2003)
Michael Moore
The Rhetoric of Fahrenheit 9/11—Gilberto Perez; 12 (2008)
Luc Moullet
Gags, Nonsense, Seeing, Imagination: Luc Moullet and Parpaillon's Pataphysical Theatre—Fabien Boully; 6 (2005)
The Green Garbage Bins of Gilles Deleuze—Luc Moullet; 6 (2005)
Poubelle, ma belle—William D. Routt; 6 (2005)
Guido Mutis
Dear Guido ...—Juan Pablo Miranda; 12 (2008)
Mikio Naruse
Kimiko in New York—Kiyoaki Okubo; 10 (2007)
"Night Cries: A Rural Tragedy"
Beyond Assimilation: Aboriginality, Media History and Public Memory—Meaghan Morris; 3 (2004)
Nyinkka Nyunyu
The Bush TVs of Nyinkka Nyunyu—Alison Alder; 6 (2005)
Yasujirô Ozu
Ozu's Angry Women—Shigehiko Hasumi; 4 (2004)
Maurice Pialat
Maurice Pialat: A Cinema of Surrender—Fergus Daly; 1 (2003)
Roman Polanski
Double Chinatown—Ross Macleay; 11 (2007)
Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley, Last New York Concert—Jonas Mekas; 6 (2005)
Jacques Rancière
A Thwarted Fable—Jacques Rancière; 8 (2006)
Carol Reed
Wrong Geometries in The Third Man—Richard Misek; 7 (2005)
Edgar Reitz
Heimat 3: Signing Off On The German Century—Roger Hillman; 6 (2005)
Alain Resnais
Marcel in Marienbad—Mark Rappaport; 1 (2003)
Jacques Rivette
The Director as Psychoanalyst: An Interview with Jacques Rivette—John Hughes; 4 (2004)
Autodialogue (1978)—John Hughes; 4 (2004)
John Hughes On (and With) Jacques Rivette: Introduction—Jonathan Rosenbaum; 4 (2004)
Glauber Rocha
There's Nothing More International Than a Pack of Pimps: A Conversation between Pierre Clémenti, Miklós Janscó, Glauber Rocha and Jean-Marie Straub convened by Simon Hartog in Rome, February 1970—3 (2004)
George Romero
Land of the Dead—Tony Williams; 7 (2005)
Marie-Claire Ropars
A Cinematic Language—Marie-Claire Ropars; 11 (2007)
Reading with Marie-Claire—Tom Conley; 11 (2007)
On Filmic Rewriting: Contamination of the Arts or Destruction of Art's Identity?—Marie-Claire Ropars; 11 (2007)
Jean Rouch
Jean Rouch 1917-2004: A Valediction—Michael Eaton; 3 (2004)
A Tribute to Jean Rouch—Paul Stoller; 3 (2004)
Raúl Ruiz
The Expropriation (La Expropriacíon, Chile, 1971)—Barthélemy Amengual; 2 (2004)
Time Regained (Le Temps retrouvé, France, 1999)—Cyril Béghin; 2 (2004)
Treasure Island (L'île au trésor, France, 1986, released 1991)—Cyril Béghin; 2 (2004)
Le Vertige de la page blanche (Vertigo of the Blank Page, Belgium, 2003)—Marie-Luce Bonfanti; 2 (2004)
La Querelle de jardins (Quarrel of Gardens, short, France, 1982)—Christine Buci-Glucksmann; 2 (2004)
Le Borgne (The One-Eyed Man, 4 episodes, France, 1980)—Christine Buci-Glucksmann; 2 (2004)
Les Divisions de la nature: Un homme, un château, "Chambord" (The Divisions of Nature: A Man, a Castle, "Chambord", short, France, 1978)—Christine Buci-Glucksmann; 2 (2004)
Dans un miroir (In a Mirror, short feature, France, 1984)—Ian Christie; 2 (2004)
The Penal Colony (La Colonia Penal, Chile, 1970)—Ian Christie; 2 (2004)
The Real Presence (La Présence réelle, France, 1983)—Ian Christie; 2 (2004)
Los Tres Tristes Tigres (Three Sad Tigers, Chile, 1968)—Ian Christie; 2 (2004)
Bérénice (France, 1983)—Olivier Curchod; 2 (2004)
Manoel on the Island of Marvels (3 part TV series, France, 1985)—Fergus Daly; 2 (2004)
Wind Water (aka Feng Shui, short, UK, 1996)—Fergus Daly; 2 (2004)
The Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting (L'Hypothese du tableau volé, France, 1978)—Thomas Elsaesser; 2 (2004)
That Day (Ce jour-là, France, 2003)—Filipe Furtado; 2 (2004)
City of Pirates (La Ville des pirates, France/Portugal, 1983)—Paul Hammond; 2 (2004)
Genealogies of a Crime (Génealogies d’un crime, France, 1997)—Maximilian Le Cain; 2 (2004)
A TV Dante (UK, 1989)—Adrian Martin; 2 (2004)
Dark at Noon or Eyes and Lies (L'œil qui ment, France, 1992)—Adrian Martin; 2 (2004)
Great Events and Ordinary People (Des grands événements et des gens ordinaires: Les Élections, short feature, France, 1979)—Adrian Martin; 2 (2004)
A Place Among the Living (aka A Taste for Murder, Une place parmi les vivants, France/Rumania, 2003)—Adrian Martin; 2 (2004)
Responso: Homage to Huub Baals (video, work-in-progress, 2004)—Adrian Martin; 2 (2004)
The Territory (Portugal/USA, 1981)—Adrian Martin; 2 (2004)
Three Lives and Only One Death (Trois vies et une seule mort, France, 1996)—Adrian Martin; 2 (2004)
Ruiz and the Devils: La recta provincial—Gonzalo Maza; 11 (2007)
Mirror of Tunisia/Tunisia, the Trance and the Stone (Miroir de Tunis/Tunis, la transe et la Pierre, Tunisia/France, 1993)—Abdelwahab Meddeb; 2 (2004)
Miotte vu par Ruiz (Miotte by Ruiz, France, 2001)—Jean Miotte; 2 (2004)
The Blind Owl (La Chouette Aveugle, France/Switzerland, 1987)—Luc Moullet; 2 (2004)
Dialogue of Exiles (Diálogo de exilados, France 1974)—Zuzana Mirjam Pick; 2 (2004)
Three Crowns of the Sailor (Les Trois couronnes du matelot, France, 1982)—Bérénice Reynaud; 2 (2004)
Dogs' Dialogue (Colloque de chiens, short, France, 1977)—Jonathan Rosenbaum; 2 (2004)
Mammame (France, 1985)—Jonathan Rosenbaum; 2 (2004)
The Roof of the Whale aka On Top of the Whale (Hek dak van de Valvis / Le Toit de la baleine, Netherlands/France, 1981)—Jonathan Rosenbaum; 2 (2004)
Snakes and Ladders (Le Jeu de l'Oie: La Cartographie, short, France, 1980)—Jonathan Rosenbaum; 2 (2004)
The Comedy of Shadows (La Comédie des ombres): Fragments of a Screenplay—Raúl Ruiz; 2 (2004)
El Realismo Socialista [Considerádo Commo Una de las Bellas artes] (Socialist Realism [Considered as One of the Fine Arts], Chile, 1973)—Raúl Ruiz; 2 (2004)
The Golden Boat (USA, 1990)—Raúl Ruiz; 2 (2004)
Handbook of French History (Petit manuel d'histoire de France, 2 part TV series, France, 1979)—Raúl Ruiz; 2 (2004)
Palomita Blanca (Little White Dove, Chile, 1973)—Raúl Ruiz; 2 (2004)
Las Soledades (The Solitudes, UK, 1992)—Raúl Ruiz; 2 (2004)
Suspended Vocation (La Vocation suspendue, France, 1977)—Raúl Ruiz; 2 (2004)
Love Torn in Dream (Combat d'amour en songe, France/Portugal/Chile, 2000)—Guy Scarpetta; 2 (2004)
Cofralandes: Chilean Rhapsody (Cofralandes: Rapsodia Chilena, Chile/France, 2002)—Clemente Sobourin; 2 (2004)
Life is a Dream (Mémoire des apparences, France, 1986)—Lesley Stern; 2 (2004)
Letter from a Filmmaker, or The Return of a Library Lover (Lettre d'un cinéaste ou Le Retour d'un amateur de bibliothèques, short, France, 1983)—Charles Tesson; 2 (2004)
Ken Russell
Ken Russell's Portraits of Elgar, Delius and Mahler—Donald Phelps; 8 (2006)
Russian Postmodernism
Life Times 4, or: Postmodernism à la Russe—Julia Vassilieva
Paul Schrader
Pretending that Life has no Meaning: Interview with Paul Schrader—George Kouvaros; 11 (2007)
Jean-Jacques Schuhl
from Ingrid Caven: A Novel—Jean-Jacques Schuhl; 4 (2004)
Louis Skorecki
Louis Louie—Adrian Martin and Guillaume Ollendorff; 10 (2007)
Henri Storck
Subjects and Details Which Have Caused Fear Among Children—Henri Storck; 6 (2005)
Jean-Marie Straub
There's Nothing More International Than a Pack of Pimps: A Conversation between Pierre Clémenti, Miklós Janscó, Glauber Rocha and Jean-Marie Straub convened by Simon Hartog in Rome, February 1970—3 (2004)
Mitch Torres
Whispering In Our Hearts—Adrian Martin; 6 (2005)
Paolo Cherchi Usai
Passio: An Interview With Paolo Cherchi Usai—Grant McDonald; 10 (2007)
Agnès Varda
Agnès Varda's Open Harbour—Yvette Bíró; 9 (2006)
Dziga Vertov
Dziga Vertov: Storyboard—Roland Fischer-Briand; 9 (2006)
Order—Barbara Wurm; 9 (2006)
Entuzijazm: Symfonija Donbasu; Ukranian Film Poster for Enthusiasm—Dziga Vertov; 9 (2006)
Jean Vigo
À propos de Nice and the Extremely Necessary, Permanent Invention of the Cinematic Pamphlet—Nicole Brenez; 7 (2005)
Amos Vogel
The Vogel Call—Nicole Brenez; 3 (2004)
Bill Viola
The Arc of Passions: Bill Viola's New Works—Yvette Bíró; 6 (2005)
Andy Warhol
The '60s Without Compromise: Watching Warhol's Films—Thom Andersen; 8 (2006)
Chelsea Girls—Omar Diop; 8 (2006)
Orson Welles
Wrong Geometries in The Third Man—Richard Misek; 11 (2007)
Peter Whitehead
Peter Whitehead: The Exigency of Joy—Nicole Brenez; 10 (2007)
Billy Wilder
Norma and Delilah [Sunset Boulevard]—Mark Rappaport; 10 (2007)
Shelley Winters
Shelley Winters Top and Bottom—Georgia Lea; 8 (2006)
Alan Wright
Scuppered: Of Fish and Film—Alan Wright; 12 (2008)
Updated: 11/05/08