A portion of the cover feature on Darren Aronofsky's The Wrestler is available by way of editor Eric Lilleør's introductory editorial. At the "Fading In" sidebar Andy Conway wryly riffs on "Fundophobia, Draftophilia and the ADDP."
In the Insiders P.O.V. sidebar of the print issue, Mick Southworth & Martin McCabe reminisce on the bygone era of movie poster art in their essay "Coming Soon: The Art of the Quad." Director Ron Oliver offers tips on directing children in his piece "Alligators Have the Right Idea." Rick Drew recruits Seth Lochhead as a case study of what's involved in selling a script and building a career in his article "What Happens After Your Big Break?" With "¡Viva Producing!", Leopoldo Gout shares how a multi-cultural and multi-medium background can enhance a producer's eye. And Kieron Connolly profiles Oscar®-winning Brit film editor Anne V. Coates in "Film isn't the End of Everything."
The Features sidebar includes Adam Thursby's dispatch from the 2008 British Independent Film Awards. Chris Patmore catches up with actress and human rights activist Nandita Das at The Times BFI 52nd London Film Festival where she screened her directorial debut Firaaq. Patmore likewise profiles Tulpan director Sergei Dvortsevoy. Athos Kyrus focuses on Michael V. Lewis, CEO and co-founder of the world's leader in 3-D projection technology. Liz Hobbs follows up and updates her 2008 list of filmmakers to watch. And Rich Bradley elicits a survey of African cinemas from Burkina Faso's most prolific director Gaston Kaboré.
Cross-published on Twitch.