The film had its world premiere on April 25, 2009 in both New York City and Los Angeles, at the Tribeca Film Festival and the ColCoa Film Festival respectively. The film had a national release in France in August 2009 and was released in Germany in January 2010.
Though she lives in France, Caroline Bottaro considers herself "European more than French", born from a German mother and an Italian father, and fluent in several languages.
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Caroline Bottaro: Sandrine was a special case because—before becoming a director, I was a screenwriter—and 10 years ago I co-wrote a film called C'est la vie (2001) with Jean-Pierre Améris in which Sandrine played the main character. I met her then. Bertina Henrichs—the novelist who wrote La Joueuse d'échecs (The Chessplayer), which I adapted for Queen to Play—was my neighbor in Paris, so I was the first one to read her manuscript and I immediately wanted to make a film about her story, and immediately shared the story with Sandrine, who—as I mentioned—I had gotten to know on the set of C'est la vie. Sandrine was very enthusiastic. That was six years ago. In the five years it took to make the film become real, Sandrine and I became very good friends. There were 18 different versions of the script and each new version was nourished by our friendship, our relationship. The movie, in a way, though it's the story of the character Hélène, was for me also a portrait of Sandrine Bonnaire. In my adaptation, there were many things that were especially written for her. She was with me from the beginning.

Guillén: He's a great comic talent.

In fact, everything went like a miracle because Kline happened to have an agent in France. We sent the script to that agent. The next day the French agent phoned us and said, "I adore the script and I've sent it to Kline's American agent." The next day we received a phone call from the American agent who said, "I love the script and I'll send it to Kevin." Four days later, in the middle of the night I was sleeping and my cellular rang, I answered, and heard (in French), "Hello, this is Kevin Kline calling."

Guillén: How exciting for you! I'm intrigued when screenwriters shift into the directing role, and also that you took an existing book and adapted it into a screenplay. How approximate is your screenplay to the book and how approximate was your shooting script to your screenplay?
Bottaro: With regard to the book, it's a long story because—as I told you—the author was a friend and a neighbor…
Guillén: And you saw her book go through many stages and drafts?

Guillén: Cleverness works!

Guillén: That's one of my favorite themes: that one can recreate their lives in their middle to late years.

Guillén: Notwithstanding, within the festival experience it's important to experience films that have positive messages, alongside all the equally-important somber films. It's important to walk out of a screening and feel, "Oh that was a good time." What's the film's theatrical trajectory? Have you opened in Europe?
Bottaro: It opened in France. It opened last week in Germany because it's a French-German co-production. In Belgium and Canada. And now it opens in April in New York.

Bottaro: It was a good reaction. It's the first time he acted in a foreign movie. I was very proud of that.
Guillén: As well you should be. That's a major accomplishment!
Bottaro: Yes! We've remained friends. I just visited him in late December in New York. He stayed with us three weeks after his work was done on set and he said, "Wow, I haven't been as challenged on a film since Sophie's Choice." He had to speak French and he had to work a lot on that, even though he already spoke French, though not as fluently as necessary. He had to learn to play chess. Sandrine is not a chess player and I don't play chess either. By the end of the shoot, the whole crew had learned how to play chess. But we three did not have the same leisure time to learn how to play chess. In American movies Kline is a physical comedy actor. I love him for that too. He's graceful. He's like a dancer when you meet him in person. He's a physical man.
Guillén: If I recall correctly, he's one of the first actors to win an Oscar for a comic performance—the Academy doesn't usually award comic performances—which is a statement to his considerable talent. Myself, I associate him primarily with his serious roles.

Bottaro: For me it would be a strange thing to direct a script I haven't written. You asked me earlier about the difference between the screenplay and the shooting script. It was a precisely written script so there's wasn't much difference between the screenplay and the shooting script, though there were surprises on the set involving the actors and so forth. As a writer, I visualize the movie and write it down. It took five years to make it happen so the script was very precise in my head. The surprises came from the actors. We didn't change the script much. Maybe it would be challenging for me to direct a script I haven't written; but, my point of view in this story was already in the script. I had visualized the mise en scène in detail. I had visualized if he was sitting in a chair and she was standing in front of him. I had visualized what was happening between the characters. After that in rehearsal when someone like Kevin would make a suggestion, sometimes it would be interesting and I would change my mind: "Yes, you are right. It's better like that." As a director you have to be very prepared or very strong—but even strong people are prepared—but when you are strong maybe you are more able to change things. But there's so much pressure on a director in terms of time and money, the schedule is so demanding that you have to know precisely what to do day after day.

Guillén: You say it took you five years to make this film. Will it take you five years to make your next?
Bottaro: I hope not. No, no, I hope not. I'm writing the next one now. But it's funny because, in another way, those five years were important to the process of the film. Sometimes I'm a bit worried about the next film. I think, "Maybe it will be faster this time." But I hope that it's a good thing that it's faster. Every moment of those five years, even the bad ones—because you can imagine that in five years you have ups and downs, ups and downs, and you have people who tell you, "Give it up and write something else"—I was always saying, "I can't give this story up. I know I have to do this story." It had something to do with the main character in the movie. The question wasn't a question anymore, no way, I had to do this. Now what I worry most about the next one is to have that feeling again.
Guillén: That you're settled into the film? That you know it so well?
Bottaro: Yes.

Bottaro: But they were masterpieces!
Guillén: Clearly, but it took the critics and the public some time to recognize them as masterpieces.
Bottaro: No one begins to work on something saying, "I'm going to create a masterpiece." That would be crazy. And when that happens, the people become crazy. In fact, I just saw a documentary about Henri-Georges Clouzot….
Guillén: Ah, L'Enfer?
Bottaro: You saw the documentary on L'Enfer?
Guillén: Yes, I caught it at the Toronto International and enjoyed it very much.
Bottaro: Clouzot wanted to make a masterpiece. There were no limits, no producers, everything was possible and the film never came to the end and everyone became crazy on the set.
Guillén: I take it you don't want to experience that?
Bottaro: Oh no! I guess the most important thing for a film are the producers. If they're good, they're good; if bad….

Bottaro: I have to say that there are a lot of directors that I admire very much but for Queen to Play there were two American directors that were specific references. The first is Clint Eastwood. I love Clint Eastwood because he directs and acts in film that are very personal and have a Clint Eastwood "touch". But in another way his films are for the whole world. He's an auteur but with a commercial sense.
The other one is an older film The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. The set design for the house where Kevin Kline's character Docteur Kröger lives came about through working with the set designer Frédéric Jacq. I had him watch The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. I thought of Rex Harrison's role in that film as a guiding model for Kevin Kline's character.
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08/14/10 UPDATE: indieWIRE reports that Zeitgeist Films has acquired all U.S. rights to Caroline Bottaro's Queen to Play. Zeitgeist plans an early 2011 release for the film.
Cross-published on Twitch.