"Landscape and dreamscape, like the clashing worldviews of the characters, meet in Crab Trap," John Anderson writes at Variety, "whose effect is an existential disequilibrium. If Samuel Beckett ever went to the beach, this is what he might have thought about."

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Michael Guillén: Oscar, during the Q&A session after the world premiere screening of Crab Trap, Rodrigo made mention that you and he met during a campus demonstration when the two of you were fleeing the military who had been brought in to squash the protest. How then did the two of you collaborate on developing the story for Crab Trap?

Ruiz Navia: No, not really.
Guillén: Or are we even supposed to know about his past?
Ruiz Navia: That is a good point because—when I decided to include the political subtext in the film—I definitely wanted it to be an indirect statement. Sometimes people criticize that Colombian films are always about violence, war and drugs, and—as a consequence—certain filmmakers don't want to talk about those things anymore; they prefer to create in a plastic bubble. They want to escape from the reality of the Colombia in which we live. But I think we have to talk about these things and the problem is not in the subject itself, but in how to talk about the subject. There's a way to talk about it. Often people just talk about the fact of violence but not about why these things happen, not about the cause or the effect.

Guillén: Your film is set in the Pacific coastal village of La Barra. How did you discover this remote place?
Ruiz Navia: I found La Barra while traveling as a tourist. I used to go there with relatives and friends to have fun. We liked the place because it was isolated and wasn't overrun by tourists. There wasn't even electricity when we first visited there. For someone from the city, La Barra was a calm place to relax; but, you could also have something of an anthropological experience because you could interact with these native Afro-Colombians.

Guillén: Normal, perhaps, but wanting to escape?
Ruiz Navia: You could say Daniel's character was a metaphor of what I was feeling about my country at that moment. I didn't want to be there. I wanted to escape. I wanted a change. Making the film was like a journey where I had to rewrite my situation and remember what I'd forgotten. Whether a film is a road movie about a journey or is like a road movie and a journey, you make the trip because you want to change something you don't like or that gives you a pain in your stomach. I wanted to take this trip, make this film, because we have so many problems in Colombia, but I wanted the film to have an elegiac tone. I wanted it to be beautiful and emotional and not simply critical.

Ruiz Navia: I wrote the characters but took many things from their real lives.
Rodrigo Vélez: My process for developing the character of Daniel lasted approximately 2½ years, during which time it was important for me to visit La Barra, to get to know the place, the surrounding landscape, the rivers, and the people. To build up the character, it was also important to realize that—no matter how many times I visited La Barra and talked with the villagers—I was never going to be a part of La Barra. Ironically, the more familiar I became with La Barra, the more estranged I felt. At first I tended to romanticize La Barra and—because of the romantic feelings I was having about La Barra—I felt I was understanding La Barra; but, as time went along, I realized La Barra was more complex than that and that I would never really fit into the lives and situations of the people of La Barra.

Ruiz Navia: Of course the film is about the clash between these two different ways to see the world. Colombia is a country of mixed races. We have black people, indigenous people, white people. I wanted to have a guy from the city who looked different than the villagers of La Barra. To finish up what Rodrigo was saying about his preparation for the role, I didn't want him to know exact dialogue as much as I wanted him to know about the place La Barra, to live there. By the time we started to shoot the film, he had memories of it because he had stayed there for a while.
For example, the story called for Daniel to have a relationship with the little girl Lucia, so I wanted them to become friends in real life before we began shooting the movie so that the dialogue would develop spontaneously between them. His preparation was also deepened because we were supposed to make the film three years ago but had production problems. Then—when the project was finally ready to go about six months before we started shooting—he was ready.
By contrast, Jaime Andres Castaño—the actor who played the white man Paisa—never visited La Barra because I knew I wanted him to be the enemy of Cerebro. I told him not to show up on location until a couple of weeks after we had started shooting. When he arrived, he was out of touch with the others and this was my way of directing the actors: to understand their relationship in the film and to try to replicate it in real life.
Guillén: Arnobio, you are what would be called a non-actor, though now I guess you would be called an actor. How difficult was it for you to be in front of the camera? To play the role of Cerebro?

Guillén: In Cerebro's confrontation scene with Paisa, I appreciated that he wasn't all macho about it and that he approached the conflict thoughtfully. He knew he couldn't take Paisa on physically so, instead, he went to the village council and gathered their support, leading to that wonderful final scene when they dismantle the fence Paisa has built on the beach. I have to commend the both of you for presenting an image of an indigenous people who have an innate intelligence and an integral sense of who they are.
Ruiz Navia: As I said before, I didn't want to show direct violence. Also, it's realistic. Cerebro is not a violent man. He's never hurt anyone and never would; but, he has the strength of his convictions. I wanted to have a confrontation. I built all these situations for Cerebro to be in but the situations were inspired from what I knew about him. The confrontation was a fictional scene; but, in order to make the scene work, I made sure that the actor who played Paisa and Cerebro never met before we started shooting. That confrontation scene was the first time they met and it was already into the fourth week of the shoot. Before we started filming, I had them do a physical exercise where they pushed against each other until their bodies were heated up, and then I had them do their dialogue while they were in that heated state.

Another example: in the story, Lucia the little girl and Daniel become friends. But Rodrigo had already become friends with that little girl so that—when we went to shoot the scene—all they had to do was remember that they were friends. Rodrigo could say to her, "Ah, remember the day when we played…?" and the little girl would go, "Oh, yeah." That made it easier for her to get into the situation with him during the filming because she had already lived it with him.
Guillén: Let's talk about the charming young girl who played Lucia. Who is she?
Ruiz Navia: Her name is Yisela Álvarez.
Guillén: The scenes between Rodrigo and Yisela are delightfully heartfelt. Yisela delivers the line—"I can't stand it when you're angry like this"—with perfect comic timing. Since you were in many scenes with her, what was it like for you, Rodrigo, to work with Yisela?
Vélez: Adding to what Papeto has already said about relationships….
Guillén: "Papeto" is Oscar's nickname?
Vélez: It's his artistic name. [Oscar ducks his head and blushes.] You have to have a different name for your artistic name. [Laughter.] Anyway, yes, Yisela and I spent a lot of time swimming together in the ocean and physically tussling with each other. We developed a playful relationship.
Guillén: You, however, are a trained actor. Was there anything that you learned from Yisela, even though she was a non-actor?
Vélez: She was 100% alive the entire time. She taught me not only how to really live in the scene from the moment Oscar said "action" and the camera started rolling, but also how to live before and after the scene. As an actor who's been trained in the theater, I've been taught to focus and to move into the character when the scene begins; but, Yisela taught me how to move into the character before the scene even started, whether the camera was rolling or not. That was a great learning experience for me.
Guillén: "Papeto", talk to me about the look of the movie and what you were going for with your cinematography. Who are your stylistic influences?
Ruiz Navia: As you can tell by now, I try to mix my life with my cinephilia. I used to program auteur films and the films of well-known directors for a cinema in my home town and I wrote reviews. I've been influenced by many different kinds of directors. It's hard to name one single director; but, for example, I love the work of the Iranian filmmaker Abbas Kiarostami. He had a special influence upon me in his unorthodox depictions of reality. He can find the poetry in real life and in people who are—allegedly—simple.
From Europe, I love masters like Tarkovsky and the way he directs his actors. He's talked about the fact that film is not like literature, just about telling a story—even though this is what the market and industry have told us—but, what's essential in cinema is the possibility of capturing the passage of time. The power of the image and the power of sound is important in his films; the rain for example. When I was in La Barra, it's a humid, rainy place, with a lot of aural texture. I would say the humidity and rain in Tarkovsky's films is also in La Barra. La Barra is also a grey beach. It's not a sunny, fun beach like what most people associate with a beach. No. It's a melancholic and nostalgic place.

I've also been influenced, of course, by the new Latin American cinema; films from Argentina, Mexico, which—because the films are in the Spanish language and are filmed in locations similar to Colombia—speak to me.
I love films that are seemingly simple but are full of epiphanies. I don't like it when people say, "Nothing's happening in this film." Maybe that film is not full of Hollywood-style action where something is always happening; but, in real life there are many little things that happen that are simple but important. I want my films to focus on such small details. I don't want to make epic dramas. I want my films to be like life.
01/03/10 UPDATE: In his Senses of Cinema Toronto dispatch, Dan Sallitt agrees with me that—though Pedro González-Rubio's documentary hybrid Alamar (To the Sea) "generated a surprising amount of critical buzz during the last days of TIFF"—he "somewhat preferred another Toronto premiere with a wilderness coastal setting, Oscar Ruiz Navia's El Vuelco del Cangrejo (Crab Trap)", which "puts its trust in the windy ambience of the sparsely populated seascape, and in a faintly Bressonian camera style that advances the narrative without amplifying the drama. The personal stories are handled so elliptically that they ultimately seem perplexing, whereas the political story could do with more ellipsis. But the weight of Navia's visual style makes the film linger in memory."
Meanwhile, in the current issue of Cinema Scope (Winter 2010), Robert Koehler—who characterizes Crab Trap as "one of the most interesting artifacts of recent Latin American cinema"—wilingly explores the embedded contradiction in the film's criticism of encroaching modernity (electricity, tourists, etc.) even as it employs modernity's tools to become a film. Koehler concludes: "It becomes readily apparent that Crab Trap is far more concerned with forces, both natural (weather, ocean conditions, the water level of the river on which Cerebro and Daniel paddle in a hand-hewn canoe) and economic (the eradication of the locals' livelihood, the pecking-order of power in the community, the control of property). And because its interest lies there, the embedded contradictions of racial identity, modernity, and the role and purpose of a hero are coiled in a helix of fascinating effect and range that belies the film's outward shell of simplicity."
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